Elevating Skills and Expertise: Professional Development Workshops at ICOPH 2024

Special Events

Pre-Conference Workshops at ICOPH 2024

Pre-Conference Workshop on "How to Produce a Good Conference Paper for Publication"

Date: 22nd January 2024 | Time: 14:30 IST

This interactive session is designed to equip researchers, academicians, and students with the essential tools and insights needed to transform their conference papers into publications that resonate with their peers and make an impact within their fields.

What You Will Learn:

  • Key elements of a successful conference paper
  • Strategies for structuring your research
  • Understanding the peer review process
  • Tips for effective academic writing
  • How to navigate the publication journey
Conducted by:
Prof. Axel Kaehne
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Integrated Care

Pre-Conference Workshop on "Getting an Article Published in a Peer-Reviewed International Journal"

Date: 04th, March 2024 | Time: 17:00 IST

This free workshop, designed for researchers, academicians, and professionals, offers a deep dive into the nuances of publishing in peer-reviewed international journals.

Insider Knowledge: Gain insights into the peer-review process.

Enhance Skills: Get tips on manuscript preparation and publication strategies.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers and industry experts

Conducted by:
Prof. Albert Wertheimer
Founding Editor of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Service Research

Pre-Conference Workshop on " How to Develop a Literature Review"

Date: 03rd, May 2024 | Time: 18:00 IST

Our comprehensive workshop is tailored to support budding researchers, seasoned academics, and scholarly writers in developing robust literature reviews – a cornerstone of any credible research endeavour.

Key Takeaways:

  • Grasping the scope and purpose of a literature review in research
  • Systematic approaches to searching for relevant literature.
  • Critical appraisal techniques for selecting quality sources.
  • Organizing and synthesizing information effectively
  • Crafting a narrative that underpins your research question.
Conducted by:
Assoc. Prof. Dilhari DeAlmeida
Vice Chair of Education in the Department of Health Information Management at the University of Pittsburgh, USA

Special Conference Day Publication Workshop

Who is afraid of ….AI? How AI can help you develop a paper for publication.

Date: 15th August 2024 | Time: 15:00 ICT | Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

The workshop would:

  • introduce participants to available AI tools to support tasks related to writing for publication
  • increase their knowledge about the role AI can play in analysis, evidence synthesis and summary production tasks when writing for publication
  • improve their awareness of the risks and limitations of AI when used in writing for publication

All participants need to have access to a laptop which is connected to the internet through Wifi. The workshop will require participants to download and register with ChatGPT 3.5 which is free of charge.

Workshop on “Grant Writing and Funding Strategies for Public Health Research”

This workshop focus on the essential skills required for writing successful grant proposals in the field of public health. Researchers often face challenges in securing funding for their projects, and this workshop would provide practical insights into crafting compelling grant applications. Topics include identifying funding opportunities, structuring proposals, addressing reviewers’ expectations, and developing a budget.

To whom? Senior Academics, PhD Students, Post Graduate Students, Freelance Researchers, Individuals involved or interested in public health research

Conducted by:
Dr. Raman Preet

Senior Research Manager
Umeå University, Sweden


Conducted by:
Prof. Dr. Hematram Yadav

Sr. Public Health Specialist

Workshop on “Building a Strong Researcher Profile: Strategies for Networking and Visibility”

This is basically for all the sort of researchers despite delegates or students. This workshop focusses on strategies to enhance researchers’ visibility and establish a strong professional network. It’s crucial for researchers to effectively communicate their work, collaborate with peers, and engage with the broader scientific community. Whether you are starting your research journey or looking to elevate your existing profile, this workshop provides valuable strategies for advancing your career in the realm of research and academia.

To whom? Early-career researchers, postgraduate students, faculty members, and anyone interested in building a robust researcher profile aiming to enhance their professional visibility and network effectively in their respective fields

Optimizing Networking Experiences:
ICOPH 2024's Unparalleled Networking Opportunities

One-to-One Collaboration Sessions

Unlock the full potential of collaboration with our One-to-One Collaboration Sessions, designed exclusively for fostering institutional partnerships.

Engage in personalized sessions that cater to your specific interests and preferences, utilizing our dedicated app to ensure seamless organization.

This exclusive collaboration space is created to facilitate meaningful discussions and forge strategic alliances.

Round Table Discussions

We invite all conference participants to immerse themselves in enriching discussions through our Round Table Sessions. These sessions are designed to provide a platform for in-depth conversations on topics aligned with the below five themes. This is an excellent opportunity to share insights, exchange ideas, and foster collaboration within a focused and intimate setting.

  1. Non-communicable Diseases
  2. Primary Health Care
  3. Infant and Child Health
  4. Epidemiology
  5. Adolescent & Young Adults Health

Each Round Table Discussion will last for 45 minutes. To ensure a smooth and organized experience, participants are required to register in advance for their chosen topic of interest.

Limited spaces are available to encourage meaningful interactions and all the participants are required to secure your spot by registering in advance for your preferred Round Table Discussion.

MOU Signing Time for Partners

Join us for a significant and formal occasion during the ICOPH 2024, the MOU Signing Time for Partners. This dedicated session marks a pivotal moment where universities/ organizations come together to formalize their commitment to collaboration and partnership.
Experience the diversity of partnerships as entities from various sectors, including academia, industry, and policy makers, come together to sign Memorandum of Understanding. This diversity reflects the interdisciplinary nature of our conference and the potential for cross-sectoral collaboration.
If your university or organization is interested in formalizing collaboration with other entities in attendance, please reach out to our organizing committee (info@publichealthconference.co) to facilitate the process leading up to the MOU Signing Time. Ensure that your partnership aligns with the conference’s objectives and themes.

Gala Dinner

Join us for an Enchanting Evening at the Gala Dinner. Immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience at our Gala Dinner, where cultural diversity takes centre stage. This session promises a harmonious blend of captivating cultural activities and a delectable spread featuring both traditional and continental delights.
Don’t miss this chance to indulge in a night of cultural celebration, culinary delights, and meaningful connections. The Gala Dinner promises to be a highlight of the conference, leaving you with cherished memories and a sense of unity in diversity.
Secure your spot for this enchanting evening – Reserve your Gala Dinner tickets now!

Special Rate for the Conference Participants: 35 USD

(This is optional for the conference participants. If you would like to join the networking dinner, please contact the conference secretary, via info@publichealthconference.co)

Special Engagement Sessions for Virtual Participants

At ICOPH 2024, we are committed to inclusivity and ensuring that every participant, regardless of their physical location, has a fulfilling conference experience. Join us virtually, and let’s make this conference a truly global gathering! We are excited to introduce our Special Engagement Sessions exclusively designed for remote participants.

Interactive Discussions:
Engage in lively discussions on key conference topics. Our virtual engagement sessions are designed to facilitate meaningful conversations, ensuring that your voice is heard and your insights are valued.

Q&A Sessions:
Get direct access to speakers and presenters through dedicated Q&A sessions. Ask your burning questions, share your perspectives, and be an active part of the conversation, all from the comfort of your virtual space.

Networking Opportunities:
Connect with fellow virtual participants and expand your professional network. Our virtual engagement sessions provide unique networking opportunities, allowing you to make valuable connections within the conference community.

Note: Detailed schedules and access information for Virtual Engagement Sessions will be provided closer to the conference date. Stay tuned for updates!

Student Chat Time with Co-Chairs and Key Speakers

Welcome to an exclusive opportunity for students at our upcoming conference! We are excited to introduce the “Student Chat Time” session, designed to foster motivational and inspirational conversations between students and esteemed co-chairs, committee members, and key speakers.

This special session aims to create a unique space for students to engage in meaningful discussions with influential figures in their respective fields. By facilitating direct interactions, we hope to provide valuable insights, encouragement, and mentorship to the student community.

What to Expect:
Informal Conversations: Enjoy casual and friendly dialogues in a relaxed setting.

Career Guidance: Seek advice and guidance on academic and professional paths.

Inspiration: Gain inspiration from the experiences and journeys of our distinguished co-chairs, committee members, and key speakers.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals and build a network for future collaborations.

How It Works:
Schedule: Check the conference agenda for designated Student Chat Time slots.

Registration: Limited slots are available, so register early to secure your spot.

Engagement: Be ready for a lively and enriching conversation with our esteemed guests.

Who Can Participate:
All registered students are encouraged to take advantage of this unique opportunity. Whether you’re an undergraduate, graduate student, PhD student, or early-career professional, Student Chat Time is designed to benefit students at all levels. We look forward to fostering an environment of growth, mentorship, and collaboration!

Partner’s Dinner

We are delighted to host an exclusive gathering for key individuals and representatives of our esteemed partner organizations. The Partner’s Dinner is not just a meal; it’s an opportunity for meaningful discussions, relationship-building, and the exchange of valuable insights among key stakeholders in our vibrant community.

Highlights of the Partner’s Dinner include:

Networking Opportunities: Engage with key decision-makers, thought leaders, and influencers in a relaxed and conducive setting. Connect with like-minded professionals who share a passion for advancing our industry.

Interactive Discussions: Participate in thought-provoking discussions that go beyond the conference sessions. Share your experiences, challenges, and insights with fellow partners, gaining valuable perspectives that contribute to collective growth.

Relationship-Building: Strengthen relationships with your industry peers and potential collaborators. The informal setting of the Partner’s Dinner encourages open dialogue and the establishment of connections that extend beyond the event.

Exclusive Insights: Gain exclusive insights into upcoming trends, collaborative opportunities, and key developments that can impact your organization. Leverage the expertise and knowledge present in the room to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape.

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