Conference on Public Health 2019
“ Promoting Global Health Equity towards a Sustainable Future”

The Success Story of ICOPH 2019
The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) concluded the 5 International Conference on
Public Health 2019 (ICOPH 2019) which was held from 10 – 12 July 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in
collaboration with the Mahsa University, Malaysia and Taylor’s University, Malaysia as the successful cohosting partners of the conference. Independent University Bangladesh, Bryan University, United States,
University of Ghana, Ghana, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, India, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka and Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Malaysia were the successful
academic partners to the conference. The conference revolved around the theme “ Promoting Global Health
Equity towards a Sustainable Future” which attracted almost 250 leading academicians, medical students,
clinicians, public health professionals, health care specialists, health care workers, health economists,
researchers, scientists, health workers, policymakers, social workers, and other related professionals from 31
countries around the world.
Inauguration Ceremony
The opening remarks of ICOPH 2019 were made by the Conference Convener Mr. Isanka P. Gamage (CoFounder & Managing Director – The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM), Sri Lanka) together with the Conference Co-Chairs Prof. Dr. Hematram Yadav (Department of Community Medicine,
Mahsa University, Malaysia) and Prof. Dr. Rusli Bin Nordin (Taylor’s University, Malaysia). The Inauguration
ceremony of the 5 International Conference on Public Health (ICOPH 2019) was live streaming on Facebook
for the first time providing participants a new tech experience.
The conference partners (Hosting and Academic partners) were specially recognized during the
inauguration for their immense support and collaboration throughout the conference. The tokens of
appreciation to partners were delivered by Mr. Isanka Isanka P. Gamage (Managing Director, The
International Institute of Knowledge Management) together with the Conference Co-Chairs to the partnering
Following morning refreshments, the next session of the Inauguration ceremony of ICOPH 19 was lined up with
the Chief Guest Speech by Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah (Director-General Ministry of Health Malaysia,
Senior Consultant in Breast & Endocrine Surgery, Malaysia) on the topic “Global Surgery for All – Leaving No
One Behind”.
Also of importance, iTIIKM Loyalty Program was launched in appreciation of loyal participants who have
stayed throughout ICOPH conference series (2015- 2019).
Keynote Forum
The Keynote forum was one of the most significant moments during the Conference and it was enlightened
by Prof. Hala Madanat (Director of the School of Public Health, San Diego State University, United States) on
the topic “Breaking Barriers to Achieve Global Health Equity Now!” and Professor Daniel D Reidpath, Monash
University, Malaysia on the topic “Giving up. What is the measure of healthy life in the era of sustainability?”.
Plenary speeches
Plenary speeches were delivered by the following resource personnel:
- Prof (Dr) Forhad Akhtar Zaman MD, FIPHA (Dept of Community Medicine, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical
Sciences, India) - Prof. Zailina Hashim (Professor & The Director, Centre of Excellence Environmental & Occupational Health,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) Track: Health Economics - Dr. Saira Mehnaz (Aligarh Muslim University, India) Track: Occupational Health
- Prof. Dr. Pei Lin Lua (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Malaysia) Speech Title: “Educational And
Psychosocial Research In Epilepsy”

Prof. Dr. Hematram Yadav
Department of Community Medicine MAHSA University Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Rusli Bin Nordin
Head of School of Medicine Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Taylor’s University Malaysia

Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah
Director-General Ministry of Health Malaysia
Senior Consultant in Breast & Endocrine Surgery
Speech Title: Global Surgery For All – Leaving No One Behind

Prof. Hala Madanat
Director of the School of Public Health
San Diego State University
United States
Speech Title: ” Breaking Barriers to Achieve Global Health Equity Now! “

Professor Daniel D Reidpath
Monash University
Speech Title : ” Giving up. What is the measure of a healthy life in the era of sustainability? “

Prof (Dr) Forhad Akhtar Zaman MD, FIPHA
Dept of Community Medicine Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences India

Prof. Zailina Hashim
Professor & The Director, Centre of Excellence Environmental & Occupational Health,
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Track: Occupational Health

Dr. Saira Mehnaz
Aligarh Muslim University
Track: Health Economics

Prof. Dr. Pei Lin Lua
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
Speech Title: “Educational And Psychosocial Research In Epilepsy”
Evaluation Committee
MAHSA University Malaysia
Taylor’s University Malaysia
San Diego State University United States
Monash University Malaysia
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences Indi
Aligarh Muslim University India
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) Malaysia
Special Features
Panel Discussions
At the 5 international Conference on Public Health 2019 (ICOPH 2019), especially aiming career
development opportunities, as well as networking opportunities for the participant’s many special
features, were brought in to attention by TIIKM. Thus, three (03) panel discussions were organized under
the contemporary topics of Public Health.
- Global Health Equity
- Tobacco Use and Tobacco Control
- Maternal Health
Panel Discussion on Global Health Equity
This intensive discussion was aimed at creating a powerful and inspiring vision of health equity and
making a clear strategic commitment to reducing health disparities. The panel was moderated by theconference co-chair Prof. Dr. Rusli Bin Nordin (Head of School of Medicine, Faculty of Health and
Medical Sciences, Taylor’s University, Malaysia) along with the two panelists namely: Dr. Nasrin Banu
Laskar (Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, India) and Dr. Vikram Niranjan (Postdoctoral
Research Fellow, Health Research Institute, University of Limerick, Ireland).
Panelists with diverse perspectives and backgrounds shared how to reduce inequitable access to
healthcare, target critical barriers, and disadvantaged communities, and encouraged innovation and
system transformation to enhance equity.
This discussion put forward five major health disparities objectives:
- Increasing awareness
- Strengthening and broadening inequitable access to healthcare,
- Improving health system experiences
- Improving barriers and disadvantaged communities
- Achieving global equity and evaluation.
Panel Discussion on Tobacco Use and Tobacco Control
This panel discussion was conducted by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and the Panelists discussed
potential ways in which research could advance the prevention and control of tobacco-related health
disparities as well as enhance the regulation of tobacco products. The discussion was moderated by
Dr. Nur Amani (Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia). The panelists were:

Dr. Noraryana Hassan (Bkt)
MBBS (Malaya), MPH Health Promotion (Unimas)
Public Health Specialist & Senior Principal Assistant Director
Fctc and Tobacco Control Unit,
Disease Control Division (NCD)
Ministry Of Health Malaysia,

Prof. Datuk Dr. Lekhraj Rampal
President, Malaysian Council for Tobacco Control

Dr. Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin
Associate Professor,
Consultant Psychiatrist & Smoking Cessation Specialist
University Malaya
Coordinator, Nicotine Addiction Research Group of UMCAS,
This intensive discussion featured invited presentations and discussions and addressed the following
topics such as;
- Modern-day tobacco use and progression
- Where do public opinion, science, and regulation stand right now on tobacco? And how are they likely to evolve?
- The impact of state, federal, and employer programs to reduce tobacco use;
- The new role of the agencies in regulating tobacco products
- International perspectives on tobacco control and prevention
Panel Discussion on Improving the Quality of Maternal Health
This in-depth discussion is aimed at addressing the ways of reducing maternal mortality and
improvements in maternal health for all women, in all countries, under all circumstances. The panel was
moderated by Prof. Dr. Hematram Yadav (Department of Community Medicine, MAHSA University,
Malaysia). The panelists were:

Dr. Dechenla Tsering
Professor and Head of the Department
Department of Community Medicine
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr. Animesh Biswas, PhD
Technical Officer
UNFPA, Bangladesh
The participants were able to:
- Hear from national and international maternal health experts on the latest ideas and progress in reducing mortality in developing countries
- Network with other health professionals including physicians, nurses, healthcare and community practitioners, researchers, and policy-makers
- Learn of current and emerging concepts to apply to clinical practice and future research directions.
Workshop on Effective Resume Writing
A workshop on effective Resume Writing was conducted by Professor Daniel D Reidpath, Monash
University, Malaysia. The workshop highlighted how an academic CV differs from the CVs typically used
by non-academics in the industry since it is required to present research, various publications and
awarded funding. This workshop provided advice and tips on how best to write a CV for the academic
Contents of the workshop:
- Importance of an effective academic resume
- What to Include in your Researcher Resume
- How to Write the Researcher Resume Summary Statement
- How to Write the Researcher Education Section
- How to Write the Researcher Resume Skills Section
- How to Write your Honors, Awards and Publications Section
- Should I Include References in my Researcher Resume?
- How to Write the Researcher Resume Work Experience Section
- Researcher Resume Fails: Mistakes to Avoid
- Action Verbs to Include in Your Researcher Work Experience Section
Workshop on Strategic Academic Career Planning
A workshop on Strategic Academic Career Planning was aimed at Early and Mid-Career Researchers
and postdoctoral researchers. The workshop was moderated by Prof. Hala Madanat (Director of the
School of Public Health, San Diego State University, United States). The workshop highlighted
participants to consider how their research passions and interests align with the University’s areas of
strength, what formal University structures exist for acknowledging, resourcing and supporting areas of
strength and how their contribution fits with the overall University research plan.
Contents of the workshop:
- The importance of strategy for enhancing both career and research profile
- Applying strategy to the individual research setting
- Applying for research grants
- Matching project funding opportunities to longer research goals
- Managing the grant life cycle to build resources and capabilities
Conference Chair Workshop
A workshop was arranged by the Conference Co-Chair, Prof. Dr. Hematram Yadav, Department of
Community Medicine, MAHSA University, Malaysia to discuss the outcomes and get feedback of the
Conference. Moreover, the plans to be executed when organizing for ICOPH 2020 were discussed during
the workshop providing an opportunity for participants to share their views and voice their suggestions
in terms of the conference theme, venue, dates, featured events and any other applicable areas. The
workshop provided insights to deliver the future conferences in a fruitful way with the outputs received
from the Conference Chair, Participants and Organizers.
Workshop on Scholarly Publications
Through the publication workshop, it was intended to disseminate knowledge on writing scientific
papers and scholarly publications to assist future researchers. The workshop was moderated by Dr.
Mark Fuellemann (University of Applied Science, Northwestern, Switzerland). The Perspective of the
publication workshop was to assist researchers who write full papers with the aim of publishing in a
reputable journal or in a reputable proceeding. Through this publication workshop, the facilitator was
able to disseminate knowledge on writing scientific papers and scholarly publications for future
researchers. All conference participants were delighted and graced by this opportunity.
Technical Sessions
ICOPH 2019 comprised of 32 technical sessions including poster presentations as well as 3CX live
presentations under the virtual category. The technical sessions were under the below themes.
- Maternal Health
- Mental Health
- Tobacco Smoking And Alcohol Consumption
- Occupational Health And Safety
- Health Communication And Health Information
- Clinical Medicine
- Primary Health Care
- Health Services Management
- Social Determinants Of Health
- Environmental Health
- Non-Communicable Diseases (Ncd)
- Pharmacy
- Food And Nutrition
- Health Of The Elderly (Student Session)
- Health Services Management (Student Session)
- Infant, Child And Adolescent Health (Student Session)
- Health Promotion, Health Education, Obesity And Health
- Maternal Health (Student Session)
- Food And Nutrition (Student Session)
- Primary Health Care (Student Session)
- Communicable Diseases
- Environmental Health (Student Session)
- Communicable Diseases (Student Session)
- Family Planning, Sexual And Reproductive Health
- Health Services Management (Student Session)
- Infant, Child And Adolescent Health (Student Session)
More than 200 Participants
ICOPH 2019 had attracted Participants from 31 countries as follows:
1. Sri Lanka
2. Malaysia
3. India
4. United States
5. Switzerland
6. Bangladesh
7. Indonesia
8. Zimbabwe
9. Nepal
10. The Netherlands
11. The Philippines
12. United Kingdom
13. Thailand
14. Taiwan
15. Oman
16. Myanmar
17. Kenya
18. Afghanistan
19. Irelands
20. Ghana
21. Hungary
22. China
23. Saudi Arabia
24. Chile
25. Tanzania
26. Pakistan
27. Qatar
28. Uganda
29. Australia
30. Japan
31. Canada
All accepted abstracts for the 5th International Conference on Public Health 2019 (ICOPH
2019) will be published in the conference abstract book with an associated ISBN 978-
All full papers sent for conference proceedings will be subjected to double blind
reviewing process and will be published electronically with an ISSN 2424-6735 in the
proceedings with a DOI Number (DOI prefix: 10.17501).
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research
ISSN 1759-8893
Editor in Chief Prof. Albert Wertheimer
Publisher Wiley Online Library
Scope Pharmacoeconomics, health economics, finance, health outcomes, health planning and policy
analysis, technology assessment and pharmacoepidemiology, financial implications and political
outcomes of drug policy, etc..
Indexed in Indexed in SCOPUS, Embase (Elsevier), Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics),
Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics).
Journal of Public Health Policy
Online ISSN 1745-655X
Print ISSN 0197-5897
Editor in Chief Prof. Anthony Robbins
Publisher Springer Nature
Scope Public Health, Social Sciences, Sociology etc.
Indexed in SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
and many more
Health Care for Women International
Print ISSN: 0739-9332
Online ISSN: 1096-4665
Editor in Chief Eleanor Krassen Covan
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Indexed in ISI: Social Sciences Citation Index, SCOPUS, CSA, EBSCO, EMBASE, ISI, LegalTrac, MEDLINE, OCLC,
PsycINFO, and many more.
Scope Health Care for Women International includes the newest research, theories, and issues in the fields
of public health, social science, health care practice, and health care policy. Scholars and practitioners
address topics such as cultural differences, alternative lifestyles, domestic violence, public health issues
associated with the aging of the population, maternal morbidity and mortality, infectious diseases, and a
host of other gender-based ethical issues.
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
Online ISSN 1573-3572
Editor in Chief Ronald T. Brown
Publisher Springer
Indexed in Scopus, PsycINFO, EMBASE, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, EBSCO Discovery Service, EBSCO
STM Source and many more
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